Feel Free to Make Film Suggestions

I’m going to try to keep the meta-blogging to a minimum, but it occurred to me that I should ask you all for suggestions about what to watch from a particular country…especially if it’s a country that doesn’t boast a large film industry. I’m still going to do my own research, but I’m always more than happy to hear suggestions for a particular place.

I’ve only watched films from Palestine and Japan so far, but I do have my films picked out for Mexico, England, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Romania, South Korea and Belgium. I have strong candidates for a host of other countries including Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, CanadaUruguay and Australia. I realized I recently watched a film from Chad and can’t imagine their film industry is huge, so I might have to include that one (I’m trying to make it all films I haven’t seen before.)

I plan on watching my Romanian film tonight and another tomorrow (probably Belgian), so actual updates are coming soon. I had kind of a hectic week this week and it made film watching/reviewing not particularly feasible.

5 thoughts on “Feel Free to Make Film Suggestions

  1. Ken (scouse) says:

    For Norway you might try the one I put up on the movie thread. “Troll Hunter”. Definitely different. Expect the unexpected.

  2. Will have to look into “Troll Hunter.” Sounds interesting from the IMDB description.

  3. Ken (scouse) says:

    Let me know if my suggestion start to annoy you. I’m just enloying your blog, great idea.

    A while ago my wife and I liked the Japanese movie “Departed” Young man thinks he’s applying for a job in a travel agency, but it’s really preparing the newly dead for their memorial. Good acting. Have to put it on the board.

  4. I’ve watched my Japanese one already, but that sounds like a good movie and one I’d definitely watch.

    I REALLY appreciate the suggestions. Part of this is a learning process for me. I’m not a movie expert by any stretch so a big part of this is discovery. So please keep the suggestions coming.

  5. val says:

    I’ve already mentioned it, but Bliss was quite good. The color palette change is really fun to see.

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